Autor Tema: Characterization of chemicals released to the environment by electronic cigarett  (Leído 3797 veces)

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G. Romagna MD1,L.Zabarini1,L.Barbiero1, E. Bocchietto1,S.Todeschi1,E. Caravati1,D.Voster1, K. Farsalinos MD2

September 1, 2012

1 ABICH S.r.l., biological and chemical toxicology research laboratory, Verbania, Italy
2 Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center, Athens, Greece
3 Abstract was accepted and presented as poster at the SRNT meeting 2012 in Helsinki.


Electronic cigarettes (e-CIG) have been marketed as a safer alternative habit to tobacco smoking. We have developed a group of research protocols to evaluate the effects of e-CIG on human health, called ClearStream. No studies have adequately evaluated the effects of e-CIG use on the release of chemicals to the environment. The purpose of this study was to identify and quantify the chemicals released on a closed environment from the use of e-CIG (ClearStream-AIR).

A 60 m3 closed-room was used for the experiment. Two sessions were organized, the first using 5 smokers and the second using 5 users of e-CIG. Both sessions lasted 5h. Between sessions, the room was cleaned and ventilated for 65 h. Smokers used cigarettes containing 0.6 mg of nicotine while e-CIG users used commercially available liquid (FlavourArt) with nicotine concentration of 11 mg/ml. We measured total organic carbon (TOC), toluene, xylene, carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx), nicotine, acrolein, poly-aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) glycerin and propylene glycol levels on the air of the room.

During the smoking session, 19 cigarettes were smoked, administering 11.4 mg of nicotine (according to cigarette pack information). During the e-CIG session, 1.6 ml of liquid was consumed, administering 17.6 mg of nicotine. During the smoking session we found: TOC= 6.66 mg/m3, toluene=1.7μg/m3, xylene=0.2 μg/m3, CO=11 mg/m3, nicotine=34 μg/m3, acrolein=20 μg/ml and PAH=9.4 μg/m3
. Noglycerin, propylene glycol and NOx were detected after the smoking session. During the e-CIG session we found: TOC= 0.73 mg/m3
and glycerin=72 μg/m3. No toluene, xylene, CO, NOx, nicotine, acroleinor PAHs were detected on room air during the e-CIG session.

Passive vaping is expected from the use of e-CIG. However, the quality and quantity of chemicals released to the environment are by far less harmful for the human health compared to regular tobacco cigarettes. Evaporation instead of burning, absence of several harmful chemicals from the liquids and absence of sidestream smoking from the use of the e-CIG are probable reasons for the difference in results.

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« última modificación: 11 Junio, 2014, 23:40:56 por 9delta »
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¿El e-liquid era nicotina al 1%?

During the vapers’ session, the weight of consumed liquid, was evaluated using a precision scale.
During the sampling session, 1760mg of liquid were vaporized, which is equal to 1.6ml containing

the amount of nicotine inhaled by vapers was about 17.6mg

¿consumieron una dosis casi letal?

30–60 mg (0.5–1.0 mg/kg) can be a lethal dosage for adult humans

Yo desde luego me quedo con esto:

It’s extremely difficult to discuss about the reasons for these results. We could suppose that there is a different absorption kinetics for nicotine. Or maybe the amount in play is extremely low, when compared to the nicotine amount released during traditional smoking.
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Desconectado 9delta

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¿El e-liquid era nicotina al 1%?
¿consumieron una dosis casi letal?

Yo desde luego me quedo con esto:

El líquido contiene 11 mg/ml. Vapeando consumen más nicotina que fumando. Son en total 17,6 mg para los cinco voluntarios, cada uno ha consumido 3,52 mg de nicotina.
A mí lo que me extraña es que en el análisis del vapor no salga ni la nicotina ni el PG. :conf:   ¿Inhalan su totalidad mientras que la GV no?

Me da que pensar que es un estudio pagado por la propia empresa del líquido que utilizan, aunque no tengo motivos para desconfiar del laboratorio que hace la investigación, no los conozco.

« última modificación: 12 Junio, 2014, 01:05:41 por 9delta »
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