Vaporizadores > Cristales

Bubblers para e-Joints

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Queria decir que me he quedado en los vaporizadores estandar, ya que imagino que los atomizadores tambien ofrecen vapor....pero es que ya digo que estoy pegao del tema

Más filtros para cierto tipo de atomizadores (ya sean de e-cigars como de e-joints) que me he encontrado por la red, en ebay y dhgate por ejemplo.

Este se ve en muchas tiendas:
(Sorry, but you are not allowed to access the gallery)
(Sorry, but you are not allowed to access the gallery)
(Sorry, but you are not allowed to access the gallery)
(Sorry, but you are not allowed to access the gallery)
(Sorry, but you are not allowed to access the gallery)
(Sorry, but you are not allowed to access the gallery)

Este es distinto a otros:
(Sorry, but you are not allowed to access the gallery)
(Sorry, but you are not allowed to access the gallery)
(Sorry, but you are not allowed to access the gallery)
(Sorry, but you are not allowed to access the gallery)
(Sorry, but you are not allowed to access the gallery)

Unos basados en el Nibbler X
(Sorry, but you are not allowed to access the gallery)
(Sorry, but you are not allowed to access the gallery)
(Sorry, but you are not allowed to access the gallery)

Este parece un poco cutre con el percolador torcido:
(Sorry, but you are not allowed to access the gallery)
(Sorry, but you are not allowed to access the gallery)

(Sorry, but you are not allowed to access the gallery)
(Sorry, but you are not allowed to access the gallery)
(Sorry, but you are not allowed to access the gallery)

Ya hacen algunos con adornos:
(Sorry, but you are not allowed to access the gallery)
(Sorry, but you are not allowed to access the gallery)

Más bubblers diseñados en exclusiva para e-joints y e-cigarrillos:
(Sorry, but you are not allowed to access the gallery)
(Sorry, but you are not allowed to access the gallery)

Más versiones del Nibbler X:
(Sorry, but you are not allowed to access the gallery)
(Sorry, but you are not allowed to access the gallery)
(Sorry, but you are not allowed to access the gallery)

Y unos adaptadores para usar cualquier bong o bubbler:
(Sorry, but you are not allowed to access the gallery)
(Sorry, but you are not allowed to access the gallery)
(Sorry, but you are not allowed to access the gallery)


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